Get to know if you made a profit or a loss in stocks.
Made in HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Tell your friends if their birthdates are palindrome. If not then know which is the nearest palindrome date to your birthday.
Made in HTML, CSS, JavaScript
An app for triangles. Here you can enter the angles and check if the triangle exists, calculate hypotenuse and calculate area by providing the required information. Also there is a custom quiz for you to test out your triknowledge. Go and have a look. The links are mentioned below. I hope you like it 👍.
Made in HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Tell your friends if their birthdates are lucky or not.
Made in HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Made a cash register manager app to help you with returning cash. Do you find it difficult to return the extra cash. This app will tell you the minimum number of notes you need to return.
Made in HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Do you like watching movies. Here are some reccomendations for you. All are my personal watched and favourite. Made with love in ReactJS.
TRY IT NOW VIEW SOURCE ON GITHUBDo you find difficult knowing which emoji speaks what? Here is an interpreter that will interpret it for you. First app in ReactJS.
TRY TRANSLATOR VIEW SOURCE ON GITHUBTranslate your sentences into the language of pirates! Speak piratish, Aye aye captian! Made in HTML, CSS, JS.
TRY TRANSLATOR VIEW SOURCE ON GITHUBThis New Year wish everyone like a minion. Write your wishes and our translator will transform it into banana language. Made in HTML, CSS, JS.
LET'S MAKE A WISH VIEW SOURCE ON GITHUBAnother nodeJS CLI App with colors coming from chalk. Built as an assignment in the camp. This app checks if you are a potterhead or not.
PLAY GAME VIEW SOURCE ON GITHUBA CLI app built with nodeJS. You can send out this to your friends and find out who really knows you.